Tholamela Water Supply Phase 2

Tender Details

Tender Number: ANDM/IDMS-PMU/29/28/08/24

Client: Alfred Nzo District Municipality

Closing Date & Time: 16/10/2024

Status: Open

Value: Not specified

Posted By: Eastern Cape

Additional Information

CIDB Grading: 7

Category: Not specified

Province: Eastern Cape

Deposit Required: Yes

Deposit Value: R 2,000.00

Deposit Refundable: No

Tender Description

Tholamela Water Supply Phase 2 Contract 1 entails installation of approximately 88.17 km of reticulation pipelines, ranging in size from 50mm to 200mm. Clear and Grub vegetation; excavation of trenches; pressure pipelines installation; construction of marker posts along pipeline route, construction of connections to existing reservoirs.

Site Inspection

Date & Time: 23/09/2024 10:00 am

Location: Compulsory at ANDM Water and Sanitation Matatiele

Contact Information

Contact Person: BCW Makiwane