WR-24/25-0112 – Department of Rural Development & Agrarian Reform (Port Elizabeth)

Tender Details

Tender Number: WR-24/25-0112

Client: Department of Rural Development & Agrarian Reform (Port Elizabeth)

Closing Date & Time: 31/10/2024 11:00 am

Status: Open

Value: Not specified

Posted By: Eastern Cape

Additional Information

CIDB Grading: 1 or higher

Category: CE

Province: Eastern Cape

Deposit Required: No

Tender Description

Supply, delivery and construction of a standard stockwater system for Glendye Farm situated in Makana Local Municipality

Document Collection Address

Email or to request documents

Site Inspection

Date & Time: 22/10/2024 11:00 am

Location: DRDAR Extension Office, 15 Milner Street, Grahamstown

Contact Information

Contact Person: Mr Figlan or Mr Mooi


Phone: 0795001863/0664764195