Code Of Conduct

  • SAFCEC, as the employers’ organization registered for the civil engineering industry, with the Department of Labour, is committed to and upholds the provisions of the Competition Act (No. 89 of 1998).


  • SAFCEC is served, from time to time, by representative office bearers and officials appointed from its members. These representatives are required to declare any possible conflict of interest when dealing with SAFCEC affairs and undertake to perform their duties diligently, honestly and in accordance with the best interests of SAFCEC.


  • These representatives will not derive either personal or company advantage from their involvement in SAFCEC.  They will not participate in any activity that is potentially in conflict with SAFCEC interests or which could be perceived to be anti-competitive, including but not limited to, collusion, price fixing or market allocation. Should any representative believe that an activity could be construed as anti-competitive he/she shall be entitled to request that such activity cease until proper legal opinion is obtained.


  • Accurate and reliable records will be kept which fairly reflect all internal and external discussions, meetings and interactions that take place in the course of SAFCEC carrying out its mandate.  Personal and business information gained during such dealings will be safeguarded and its privacy respected.


  • SAFCEC, its members and their representatives will carry out SAFCEC affairs in a transparent and open manner at all times.